I enjoy analyzing historical data, am intrigued by making forecasts, and love being around goal-driven people.
IBRD Loan Activity

• To identify the regions that receive the most IBRD loan funding and which World Bank regions should be prioritized.
• Conduct an exploratory visual analysis to identify relationships between variables, examine geographical trends to identify the regions that are financed the most by IBRD through loans, and examine the types of loans made.
• This dataset contains the latest available snapshot of the Statement of Loans, taken on 31st September 2022.
Exploratory visual analysis
Geographical Visualizations with Python
Regression models
Cluster Analysis
Interactive visualizations
Storytelling in Tableau
IBRD Loan Activity
Key Insights
How strong is the relationship between the Original Principal Amount and Interest Rate?
• The correlation matrix was created to determine the relationship between the Original Principal Amount and Interest Rate and a weak negative relationship was revealed.

Clustering was used to compare data points and discover new patterns.
• The ideal number of clusters was two according to the elbow curve, therefore on the scatterplot are visible orange and blue groups of data points.

• The orange cluster is the most populated cluster.
• It gathers the data points with very low Original Principal Amounts and all hights of Interest Rates.
• The blue cluster includes points with higher Original Principal Amounts, and with only relatively small Interest Rates.
• There are no blue points where Interest Rate is high.
Which country received the greatest number of loans and which one is paying the highest-interest rate?
• India, Indonesia, and Brazil are the nations having the highest approved and committed funding (big circles on the map).
• Togo has the highest average Interest Rate, but several African nations have higher average Interest Rates (dark red colors on the map).

What type of loan is most frequently provided and what is the most common loan status?
• A bit more than 50% of the loans are fully repaid and the most frequent loan type is FSL.

How the Interest Rates have changed over time?
• The average Interest Rate has been declining since 1982 when the agreement with the highest average Interest Rate was signed.

The cluster analysis revealed that the height of the Original Principal Amount influences the Interest Rates, which should be investigated further to determine how exactly.
A more in-depth analysis should be performed to determine the following:
• The impact of project type on the Original Principal Amount.
• An impact of the country's economical situation on the Interest Rate.
Additionally, it would be beneficial to conduct a forecast for Interest Rates.
The IBRD should focus its attention on countries where it is less active, such as Haiti, Togo, and Burundi.