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Influenza Season Plan

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• Staff agency must determine where and how many staff to send to each state in order to prepare hospitals for the upcoming flu season.



• Perform statistical analysis to look at influenza trends so we can proactively plan for staffing requirements across the country.



• Due to data privacy protection a bit more than 80% of CDC death data were suppressed and for further analysis were counted as a zero.

• Because there is various population size across the Country the analysis used the death ratio per population size.


Translating business requirements

Statistical hypothesis testing

Data cleaning, transformation & integration

Visual analysis


Storytelling in Tableau



Influenza Season Plan
Key Insights



If a state has a higher proportion of persons aged 65 and up, then such a state will have a higher influenza-related death rate.

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I used statistical analysis to examine the relationships between the variables, and I discovered a weak positive relationship, which indicates that:

• if the proportion of people aged 65 and up increases, the death ratio will increase as well but in a weak way.

Where are people most vulnerable?

• I have found out that the states in the east have a higher death rate and that population density has a substantial impact on the number of deaths. 

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What does the future bring?

With a 95 % of confidence range, we can say that:

• The highest growth in the number of deaths is projected for the state of Hawaii at 7.6 % for the year 2018.  

• The growth in the number of deaths is also predicted for the states of Mississippi and Tennessee. 

• The number of Influenza related deaths in other states will stagnate in the 2018 year.

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Conduct more research:


• to determine which states, have the highest population density;

• to determine the correlation between population density with the speed with which the virus spreads.


Until we get the result of the new research, I recommend assigning additional medical staff to states such as New York, Tennessee, and Hawaii because they have the highest per-population death rate.

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